TABAGOTCHI Administra Las Pestañas De CHROME




这个扩展如何使用? 你打开的标签越少,你的“Tabagotchi”小怪物就越快乐和健康! 每当你打开一个标签,你的Tabagotchi会失去4点HP,使它更加愤怒和病情。

My computer instantly killed this tab

Tabagotchi is like a Tamagotchi, one that lives as an adorable pixelated avatar in Google Chrome through an extension designed to help you cut down on how many ...


Introducing Tabagotchi: More than Just a Game. Tabagotchi injects a dose of nostalgia straight into your browsing experience with a delightful twist.

Tabagotchi by Breather

Tabagotchi 是一个帮助你提高浏览器效率的Chrome 新标签页扩展,它认为只有不分心才能提高生产力,而最好的办法就是减少打开标签页的数量。

Tabagotchi – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

評分 3.8 (5) · 免費 · 下載Firefox 上的Tabagotchi。A chrome extension that helps you be more productive. Fewer tabs = happy Tabagotchi. More tabs = angry Tabagotchi.

Tabby Cat

Tabby Cat is the extension that brightens your day with a new animal in every new tab. Tabby Cats blink, sleep, and even let you pet them – just like real cats!

Tabby Cat

Tabby Cat is the extension that brightens your day with a new animal in every new tab. Tabby Cats blink, sleep, and even let you pet them – just ...


這款Tabagotchi,是Chrome 或Opera 瀏覽器的插件。看看名字,自然會聯想到與分頁(Tab)有關。與一般的插件不同,Tabagotchi 打正旗號是培養虛擬寵物。用家要做 ...


這款Tabagotchi,是Chrome 或Opera 瀏覽器的插件。看看名字,自然會聯想到與分頁(Tab)有關。與一般的插件不同,Tabagotchi 打正旗號是培養虛擬寵物。用家要做 ...


这个扩展如何使用?你打开的标签越少,你的“Tabagotchi”小怪物就越快乐和健康!每当你打开一个标签,你的Tabagotchi会失去4点HP,使它更加愤怒和病情。,TabagotchiislikeaTamagotchi,onethatlivesasanadorablepixelatedavatarinGoogleChromethroughanextensiondesignedtohelpyoucutdownonhowmany ...,IntroducingTabagotchi:MorethanJustaGame.Tabagotchiinjectsadoseofnostalgiastraightintoyourbrowsingexperiencewithadelig...